Cancer has been increasing by more than 50% now compared to last decade.   It has spread across all ages and gender. We find our children, old parents, spouses, relatives, colleagues suffering and are helpless at times. While allopathy has a reasonably good treatment, sometimes it is not effective and the disease tends to relapse. We have many friends who have lost their lives due to relapse after a couple of years. There are also cases wherein due to old age, above 80 years, it becomes difficult to administer Chemotherapy or radiation. It is under these circumstances when we are helpless and look for divine intervention. People who have undergone the pain would certainly understand.

 Surprisingly there are some alternative therapies in Ayurveda and homeopathy or even positive affirmations, about which we lack information. We are also scared to try the same for our loved ones as we are not very sure. There are several cases of success through alternate therapies and we would like to share the experiences for the benefit of others.  Some of them can be enumerated as under:

·         Ayurveda. There is nothing to beat the ancient Indian knowledge. We Indians need to realise this sooner.

·         Herbal and plant Juices and extracts. Very effective

·         Homeopathy. Many cures have been found in this.

·         Immunotherapy.   Not yet fully established .

I would like to discuss the case of my mother wherein  I have adequate first-hand information and can speak with conviction.   She has been diagnosed with a rare nasal cancer. We have visited the best of hospitals and were advised by doctors for chemotherapy, radiation followed by  operation . But since both of them have severe side effects and not advisable at the age of 86 years, we resorted to alternate therapies. We had tried two and found one of them working for us. It all depends on age, physical health and personal comfort. So we need to intelligently apply the same.

 RMD Cancer Hospital (Ayurvedic) 

 The first one we visited was the RMD Cancer Hospital in Gujarat ahead of Surat in a place known as Vaghaldhara. Girivihar Cancer Hospital was established in Vaghaldhara village of valsad district by  Rasiklal Manikchand Dhariwal . The treatment is an Ayurvedic one based on the “Panchgavya” Therapy.

 The Treatment at RMD Hospital.It is an Ayurveda hospital where the cancer treatment is absolutely free for the patients. They charge very nominal for one attendant. They have well qualified Ayurvedic  doctors.  It is an eleven-day course and every patient who is not bed ridden, is admitted along with one attendant. The day starts from 5:30 am in the morning with prayers and reciting of Gayatri Mantra and Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, followed by yoga and pranayama. There after they give you a dose of ‘panchagavya’, which is a mixture  of cow urine, cow dung, fresh cow milk, cow ghee, curd and wheatgrass powder. Initially one is supposed to take only about 30- 40 ml and there after gradually increase it to a maximum of 100ml. But sometimes it does not suit the individual and one may   have a bout of loose motions and vomiting. But after sometime it stabilises. 

 Breakfast is served in the dining hall at about 8 am.   we are given some medicines after that. Doctors make a round to the rooms after breakfast. At 10 am we have some plant and leaf juices like Bhel, sadbahar and neem etc followed by ginger and turmeric juice at 1130 am.   Lunch is served at 12 pm followed by medicines.

From 2 pm to 3 pm we have a sabha or meeting in the hall on first floor, where some lectures are organised about treatment.

Again at 3 pm and 4.30 pm there some plant juices as above. After this people generally talk a short walk around the campus. I found lot of bonhomie amongst the patients and made a few good friends.  Dinner is served early at about 6 pm followed by some medicines. Doctors visit again after this in the evening.

A meeting is again held for all patients and attendants from 7 pm to 8 pm wherein we have some discussions clarifications and devotional songs are sung.

All three meetings are to be attended by all patients and attendants, except a few patients who are really sick. After the evening meeting, cow milk is served to all patients and they can retire to bed.  This routine carries on for 11 days.

In addition to all this, patient has to drink only tulsi (Basil) water throughout the day which is provided. There is a detailed list of fruits vegetables and other things we can eat or not eat. The same is available as a pamphlet and also attached below. The website and contact details are also given at the end of this page.

At the end of  11 days, we need to buy some medicines for a month as prescribed by the doctors which amounts to about Rs. 5000. Later it can be ordered on line.

We need to continue this regimen for at least a couple of years to fully eradicate the disease.

The doctors clearly advise to Always eat fresh food and avoid use of preserved food, stale and refrigerated food, artificial flavours etc. They also suggest that sweating removes all toxins hence air conditioners are to be minimised.

 Comments on treatment.

It is a very holistic treatment considering body, mind and soul. I appreciate that. One has to be devoted completely and accept it with full faith and confidence. As Indians, we should not find it difficult to absorb. 

It may be difficult for some people initially, to follow the routine of the diet and medicines. Most of the diet is based on north Indian culture which some south Indians find it difficult. The 'Panchgavya', plant and leaf juices etc. are difficult to arrange when we get back to the cities. The cow is 'Gir' Cow in Gujarat and similarly every state has some ‘Desi Cow’ which are to be used. The list of state-wide cow breeds is also given.

 The milk, Cow dung and urine has to be fresh and consumed within two hours. This may be a challenge in big cities, though I did manage to get it all in Secunderabad. I can share the details of milk man here. 


Initially there are some concerns about travel, living conditions food etc. especially for people living in the cities. But all fears were laid to rest once we reached there. Some points are clarified as under.

1.    It is better to speak to them on phone earlier and tie up when to reach. It has to be ensured that there are rooms available. Number of beds are limited to 80. Contact number of reception is 6354514539 / 8141880808.   You may send someone in advance to tie up things. Website:  

2.    How to reach. It is 17 km from Valsad railway station and about a km from Vaghaldhara town. Nearest airport is Surat. Some people also drive down from Vadodara airport.

3.    It is better to reach hospital in the morning hours say around 10am. Doctors timings are 1030 am to 1230 pm and 330 pm to 530 pm. After entry at the gate, only the patient and attendant are allowed inside to go to meet the doctor which is about 150 meters away. You may leave the luggage in the car itself and only carry the medical reports of various scan and MRI etc. Once the doctor sees the patient and he is satisfied that the patient can manage the rigorous routine of the hospital, will they allow admission. Once admitted, we need to deposit Rs 1000 as as refundable deposit which is refunded only if we don’t run away in between, i.e, we complete the full course of 11 days!!  But normally people do not take the deposit back. They willingly donate that and more for the trust. They also charge Rs 50 for registration and Rs 33.00 for meals of the attendant, that is, one rupee per meal three times a day for 11 days. That’s all!

4.     In case someone wants to stay for another 11 days’ cycle, then they have to pay at the rate of Rs 500.00 per day.   

5.    Once the room is allotted, you may take the cab or car inside, close to the living area and unload your luggage. You may have to collect bedsheets, blankets, steel cups, tumblers, flask  etc. from the store room. Basically they have one large room with two beds on either side separated by a wall and two separate bathrooms which are very modern.  Wash basin is common between  two patients.

6.     If you take your own car, park it inside the campus after informing the authorities.

7.     Some of the pictures of campus and rooms are also attached.

8.    The food is very good as far as attendants are concerned. But for the patient there are strict diet restrictions based on millets,  Moong dal etc. since wheat and white rice are not allowed. Sometimes the patients find it difficult to have this menu. But the menu is very healthy and will help you cure faster. Menu is also attached below.

9.     Only issue which you may have at times is that washing of clothes under open taps outside, behind the buildings.  There are no laundry facilities. Also if you need hot water, then one has to carry a bucket from a central place on ground floor. There are rooms on first floor too. Hence the attendant has to be a strong person.

10. There is small canteen near the gate for tea and odd snacks, biscuits, fruits, odd plastic items, mineral water etc. if required. Tea is not allowed for patients.

11.  Overall the arrangements are good and there is nothing to fear about.

 We stayed for full eleven days. Initially my mother had a severe bout of loose motions and vomiting. There after she recovered after panchgavya was stopped.  She could not enjoy the food made for the patients and became very weak.  Even when we got back I gave her a pause in the routine and tried to gradually shift her step by step into the ayurvedic regimen, but her body would not accept at the age of 86. Hence we had to stop the treatment. But for a younger person I feel it should work. There were people of all ages and my mother was in fact the oldest.


Since the Ayurvedic treatment did not work out for an aged person, we switched to other therapy.



The next method which we adopted for my mother was making use of herbal juices supplied by Cancer Healer Centre.  The centres are spread across the country and are run by Doctor Krishna. There are about 14 of them headquartered at Delhi. They claim to have an experience of 41 years in this field. The website and contacts are given below. 

 The medicine involves mixture of several juices and powders in half a glass of water in various concentrations to be prepared by the patient and to be had four times a day. There are a set of six boxes with several bottles and packets which last for a month at the rate of five days per box. It takes about 10-15  minutes for a person to prepare the mixture. It is fairly easy to make and drink. There are not too many diet restrictions like Ayurveda. They advise to stay away from sour fruits and watermelon etc .

But the best part is that  the results are  visible. The pain and swelling subsides very fast. The patient has no side effects of chemotherapy etc. It is almost like the Magic Potion of  Asterix and Obelix comics, yes… but the Druid here does not give it free !! It is prohibitively expensive. One-month dose costs about Rs. 60,000.00 (sixty thousand) that is, about seven lacs a year.   

 But it has really worked wonders for my mother at a ripe old age of 86 years. There are very minor side effects like laziness or drowsiness, etc. but that is not much.

Presently we are following this. We are also looking for a more budget friendly option.

WEB LINK OF CANCER HEALER CENTER:*1hggfa9*_gcl_aw*r0nmlje2mzcwnzc4mdeuq2ows0nrauf5czjnqmhet0fssxnbrmyxrdflsvhmlujwbnvxq3nawdfeafhaqw54mhzmdzn1r1ftqvlrrzhttvjxny1bbljzsvzxahhtswfbdmtvrufmd193y0i

 Contacts of Delhi HQ:  858814788, 7678293769

The two methods mentioned above have been tried by me and I can authenticate my experiences. In case anyone needs any  clarification on this treatment , they can write  on this platform  or email to –  or

Maj Gen K Eswaran


Founder, Help and Serve Public Charitable Trust.



During the course of my search for treatment I also came across several friends who offered me genuine advice based on their own experiences. I have shared them below. However, I may not be able to clarify anything about that. But wherever possible, I have shared their contacts which you may use.


 There is place called Shimoga near Narsipura in Karnataka, where a person distributes medicine for cancer twice a week. It is not a very organised arrangement. People have to wait in line for more than twelve hours. Being a small village there are no facilities either. But the medicine is effective as learnt from some of my close friends.  It also very cheap. Just about Rs. 700/- for a month’s dose. You need to carry your medical documents.

The medicine is based on the bark of a tree. Given in four packets which is to be crushed and boiled in water. Some writeup obtained on that as under.


Vaidya Narayana Murthy Cancer Cure, Shimoga

Sri Narsipura Subbaiah Narayana Murthy is an Ayurveda practitioner living in a village called Narasipura in the Shimoga district of Karnataka. Vaidya Narayana Murthy and his family members have been treating for decades, with herbal medicines, the so called incurable medical conditions - cancers, diabetes, heart diseases, kidney diseases etc. Vaidya Narayana Murthy is famous, particularly for his cancer treatments. The doctor dispenses medicines on Thursdays and Sundays. People gather in queues to receive his cancer medicines, which he starts dispensing early in the morning around 7:00 AM. Roughly about thousand people receive their medicine on every Thursday and Sunday. There are few NGOs that help Vaidya Narayana Murthy in his noble effort.

 Recently some other people also have started but the authenticity is not yet assured.  some more links attached

 Hotel Hombuja Residency website

 To buy the medicine online directly from the Vaithiyar



Homeopathic treatment is also supposed to be effective for cancer. One of my  friends has told me that they are undergoing homeopathy treatment for the same. The cost is very reasonable about Rs 6000 month and they claim that have able to control the growth of Cancer cells. There are many homeopathic clinics across the country where we can contact.   



 This one is also similar to the one mentioned above of RMD in Gujarat.  An ayurvedic treatment, but they only give a half day training. Thereafter the attendant and patient have to work on their own. Located at Warangal in Telangana.  The Goshala is about 12 km. from Kazipet Rly.   One has to fix up an appointment by SMS and go there on a particular Sunday. The lectures are given in Telugu and English. Treatment is based on Panchagavya as explained earlier.

 A brief write up obtained is as under.

 For General Queries and Registration only

(Prior registration through SMS is necessary)

Phone: +91 9849010403 or +91 9849890685or +91 9490133575


Timings: 9am to 7pm on all days

 For registration of patients / attendants: Please, send us particulars of patients such as Name, place of residence, number of persons coming with patient and cell number through SMS to our phone numbers given in this site and be present at goshala premises by 8 am on any Sunday. The Pre-registration process will give us enough opportunity to procure the live herbals and to prepare food in sufficient quantity and to serve you better and with ease. After arriving at goshala farm on Sunday, the patients are to register again.


phone:+ 91 7032626105. Timings: 9am to 7pm


Maharshi Goshala Farm Near Bgr Garden

Vill: Chinthagattu,

Mdl: Hasanparthy,

Dist: Warangal Urban,

Telangana State, India.

Pin: 506015

We humbly request everyone to note that the free herbal treatments mentioned in this website are offered only on every Sunday and not on any other day of the week. The enquiries regarding any treatment and appointment for that should be made only between 9 am to 7 pm from Monday to Saturday. No enquiries on Sundays. No enquiries/consultation through email, WhatsApp and other social media. However, your suggestions are welcome through email Please, call us for enquiries prior to commencement of treatment for Cancer, only after going through the FAQ and their Answers. For general enquiries regarding treatments and appointment for cancer treatment, please, contact: 9849010403, 7032247625( in Telugu), 98498 90685 ( in Hindi and English ) from 8 am to 7 pm- Monday to Saturday.

 For enquiries during treatment, please, contact 9849009457 only from 9 am to 7 pm- Monday to Saturday.

 More details on the website:



I have come to know that a lot of research has happened on this and is benefitting people. I have not got any authenticated personal information on this so far. You all are welcome to add. One thing for sure is that this treatment  is very expensive and unaffordable by most of us as on date.


Please Note: All views expressed above are based on personal experiences and are not to be quoted as authority.

Request all to add some more personal experiences to benefit others well in time. It would be nice to add contact emails for any clarification. 

 Thanks and Best regards. 

Sarve Santu Niramaya 


Maj Gen K Eswaran


Founder-  Help and Serve Public Charitable Trust.






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